Tuesday, 23 December 2014

How to Massage Your Baby

Massages are a lovely way to detach yourself from hectic life of Dubai, but did you ever think that your little toddler also needs a good massage at one of your nearest Dubai Massage center. Massage can soothe your baby and help him to sleep.

Moreover, massage has many added benefits for your baby, including improving weight gain, boost blood circulation, aiding digestion and easing teething pain. Massage is a great way for you and your partner to bond with your baby, and you may find it relaxing, too!

What is baby massage?

Baby massage is gentle unlike a regular massage to adults; a baby massage is more rhythmic stroking of your baby's body with your hands. You can use oils or a baby moisturizer (make sure that they are free from toxins) to help your hands to glide smoothly over your baby's skin. As part of your massage routine, you can gently manipulate your baby's ankles, wrists and fingers (it will help in development of baby). You can talk softly, hum or sing to your baby while you are massaging, which may make it more reassuring for your baby.

The soothing strokes of your hands stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin in you, your baby and even your partner, if he's watching. Oxytocin is the hormone that gives you that warm loving feeling when you hold your baby close or breastfeed him.

How massage center can help you?

There are lots of ways baby massage can benefit not just your baby, but you and your partner as well. However, if you are really concerned about the health of your baby you can visit your nearest massage center in Dubai and can pamper your baby. Here are the benefits of professional massages offered at different massage centers in Dubai.
  • It can help in mental, social and physical development.
  • It will keep the baby relaxed and not get upset.
  • Your baby will cry and fuss less.
  • Your baby will sleep better.

One study found that massage in the early days could help newborns to recover from jaundice more quickly. Your baby will surely show signs of happiness, gesturing he is enjoying the massage session. It will lift your mood and will elevate the feeling of empowerment as a parent. The time you set aside for a massage can be your special time together. As you massage your baby, chatting and genuine eye contact is augmented naturally.

And in case you are opting for a professional massage center you can see how they are doing it. However, just keep in mind that the massage professional is well trained in massaging a baby.

There are several massage centers in Dubai offering baby massage services and they are excellent for those mothers who are busy in offices, but still concerned like a traditional mother.

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